Numpy Installation

Numpy Installation

A short note on numpy and its installation


2 min read

Whats Numpy?

Well, Numpy is one of the most popular python library that provides scientific computational and mathematical features and operations on objects like arrays, matrices, etc. Its widely used in field of data science and machine learning applications.

Installation and pre-requisites

The only pre-requisite for installing Numpy is python itself. Numpy can be installed using two package managers:

Note: Make sure your device is connected to the internet through wifi or ethernet

Method 1: using conda

If you use conda, you can install NumPy from the defaults or conda-forge channels: Execute the below commands in you conda shell ๐Ÿ‘‡

# Best practice, use an environment rather than install in the base env
conda create -n my-env
conda activate my-env

# If you want to install from conda-forge
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge

# The actual install command
conda install numpy

Method 2: using pip

If you use pip, you can install NumPy with:

pip install numpy

Step 1: Open terminal or bash shell or command prompt
Step 2: paste the above command and hit enter.


If your installation fails with the message below, see Troubleshooting ImportError.

IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THIS FOR ADVICE ON HOW TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE! Importing the numpy c-extensions failed. This error can happen for different reasons, often due to issues with your setup.
